Monday, December 22, 2014

Peter Pan

I know what you're thinking. You want to ask, "Which Peter Pan are you reviewing? There's been, like, 10 different versions!" To which I say: "ALL OF THEM!". Also, there were only 5, do your research. Anyway, Peter Pan is a story about flying children who go to space and arrive on an space...somehow. And there's water surrounding the island, seemingly level rather than coalescing into a sphere as one would expect water to do in space. On the space island, they encounter pirates (Does that make them space pirates? Or just regular pirates that happen to be in space?), mermaids, and... um... a Native American tribe? Are they still Native Americans if they're all in space and probably have never even seen America? Oh, and there's fairies. And some magical eternal youth stuff. And a ticking crocodile. OK, just trust me, it makes sense in context. Peter Pan is certainly a very unique space opera film (some of them literally, featuring lots of singing), and I can recommend it to those enjoy films that do something unique and different. You will not find another film featuring space mermaids and ticking crocodiles. Except, of course, the 4 other Peter Pan movies.


Warning: This movie contains a character with a hook hand. If you are offended by artificial implants, do not watch this film.

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